
As a wedding photographer, summer is the busiest time of all. When I'm not busy balancing my work and shooting, you can 100% find me editing and chipping away at piles of photographs. And I love it - I find the process of selecting, editing and retouching my photographs very meditative.

But summer also means that I don't get a chance to do much personal work, which is another thing that I love to do. My passion for photography started with my travels and that is very much still alive today, so I am always grateful to go somewhere new or find time to take on a creative project that will allow me to get experimental.

One of those opportunities was back in March, (which I've just realised is six months ago?!), when my partner and I travelled to Madeira for some sun. In the depths of British winter, I literally googled "warmest places in Europe in March", and Madeira looked pretty cool. I could write pages about the holiday, but what you really need to know is that it is a quirky island which thrives on tourism, the average age is about 75+, the food is questionable, and it rained the whole damn time. Torrential rain, and hurricane strength winds. There were landslides. There were floods. I feared for my life. Injuries were sustained. It was not exactly what we had in mind when selecting this seemingly idyllic, tropical destination.

But for all that Madeira served us in terms of the unexpected and less than ideal, it made up for in unbelievable vistas and an some very cute stray dogs. A volcanic island, it reaches straight up and out of the sea with a whole lot of drama. You can go from sea level to 1,000+ metres in minutes, albeit by very tiny, zig-zagging roads, and there isn’t an inch of the place that isn’t covered in an amazing emerald green.

I took a day off today and finally had a chance to edit some shots, which definitely don’t do it justice, but I enjoyed taking them nonetheless. 

Em xx